as follows, as the following…


1A. (Good)

The steps for producing compound X are as follows:

mixing ingredients P, Q, and R,
baking the resultant mixture in an oven at 180℃ for 15 min.,
allowing the baked product to cool.

1B. (Poor)

The steps for producing compound X are as followings:

mixing ingredients P, Q, and R,
baking the resultant mixture in an oven at 180℃ for 15 min.,
allowing the baked product to cool.
2A. (Good)

The process for producing compound X includes the following steps:

mixing ingredients P, Q, and R,
baking the resultant mixture in an oven at 180℃ for 15 min.,
allowing the baked product to cool.

2B. (Poor)

The process for producing compound X includes the following steps of:

mixing ingredients P, Q, and R,
baking the resultant mixture in an oven at 180℃ for 15 min.,
allowing the baked product to cool.
3A. (Good)

The process for producing compound X includes the steps of:

mixing ingredients P, Q, and R,
baking the resultant mixture in an oven at 180℃ for 15 min.,
allowing the baked product to cool.

3B. (Poor)

The process for producing compound X includes the following steps of:

mixing ingredients P, Q, and R,
baking the resultant mixture in an oven at 180℃ for 15 min.,
allowing the baked product to cool.
4A. (Good)

The process for producing compound X includes the following:

mixing ingredients P, Q, and R,
baking the resultant mixture in an oven at 180℃ for 15 min.,
allowing the baked product to cool.

4B. (Poor)

The process for producing compound X includes the followings:

mixing ingredients P, Q, and R,
baking the resultant mixture in an oven at 180℃ for 15 min.,
allowing the baked product to cool.
応用問題として次(the following!)も提案されている。ここでのポイントはfollowingにtheが付くことによって、名詞として用いられている部分。
(Poor) The followings are my suggestions. (あるいはの例としてMy suggestions are as follows.)
ここはThe following are my suggestions.とする。areとなるのはsuggestionsとの整合性を保つため。ここの感覚は覚えることにする。
(Poor) The package includes the followings:

color pencils, a pair of scissors, and a glue stick.
The package includes the following:

color pencils, a pair of scissors, and a glue stick.


The package includes the following items:

color pencils, a pair of scissors, and a glue stick.
The following is my answer.


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